2024/06/01 - Iqra joins the lab

We warmly welome Ms. Iqra Arshad, who joins the Systems Biophotonics lab to work on software development for smart SPIM applications!

2024/03/27 - New collaborative project funded

Our proposal "3DHist: Evolution of colorectal cancer metastases using multimodal 2D and 3D imaging" has been approved for funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The project is coordinated by Dr. Henning Muller (HES-SO Valais) and involves, in addition to our lab, Prof. Inti Zlobec (University of Bern) and Dr. Robert Zboray (EMPA). So excited to start this new collaboration!

2024/01/01 - Claudia joins the lab

We warmly welcome Dr. Claudia Capitini, who joins the Systems Biophotonics lab with a prestigious 2-year fellowship awarded by Fondazione Umberto Veronesi!